CXML implements the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces. For details
on DOM, please refer to the specification.
Parsing into DOM
To parse an XML document into a DOM tree, use the SAX parser with a
DOM builder as the SAX handler. Example:
(cxml:parse-file "test.xml" (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))
Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document.
This functions returns a DOM builder that will work with the default
configuration of the SAX parser and is guaranteed to use
characters/strings instead of runes/rods, if that makes a
difference on the Lisp in question.
This is the same as rune-dom:make-dom-builder on Lisps
with Unicode support, and the same as
utf8-dom:make-dom-builder otherwise.
Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using runes and rods.
(Only on Lisps without Unicode support:)
Create a SAX handler which builds a DOM document using
UTF-8-encoded strings.
Serializing DOM
To serialize a DOM document, use a SAX serialization sink as the
argument to dom:map-document, which generates SAX events
for the DOM tree.
Applications dealing with namespaces might want to inject a
namespace normalizer into the
sink chain.
Function DOM:MAP-DOCUMENT (handler document &key include-xmlns-attributes include-default-values include-doctype)
Traverse a DOM document and call SAX functions as if an XML
representation of the document was processed by a SAX parser.
Keyword arguments:
include-xmlns-attributes -- defaults to
include-doctype -- One of nil (no doctype
declaration), :full-internal-subset (include a doctype
declaration and the full internal subset), or
:canonical-notations (write a doctype declaration
with an internal subset including only notations, as required
for canonical serialization).
include-default-values -- include attribute nodes with nil
recode -- (ignored on Lisps with Unicode support.) If
true, recode UTF-8 strings to rods. Defaults to true if used
with a UTF-8 DOM document. It can be set to false manually to
suppress recoding in this case.
DOM/Lisp mapping
Note that there is no "standard" DOM mapping for Lisp.
DOM is specified
in CORBA IDL, but it refrains from using object-oriented IDL
features, allowing for a much more natural Lisp implemenation than
the the ordinary IDL/Lisp mapping would.
Differences between CXML's DOM and the direct IDL/Lisp mapping:
DOM function names are symbols in the DOM package (not
the OP package).
DOM functions have proper required arguments, not a huge
&rest lambda list.
Although most IDL interfaces are implemented as CLOS classes by
CXML, the Lisp types of DOM objects is not documented and cannot
be relied upon. A node's type can be determined using
dom:node-type instead.
DOMString is mapped to rod, which is either
an (unsigned-byte 16) array type or a string type.
The IDL/Lisp mapping maps CORBA enums to Lisp keywords.
Unfortunately, the DOM IDL does not use enums. Instead,
both exception types and node types are defined integer
constants. CXML chooses to ignore this definition and uses
keywords instead.
DOM uses StudlyCaps. Lisp programmers don't. We
insert #\- before every upper case letter preceded by a
lower case letter and before every upper case letter which is
followed by a lower case letter, but preceded by a capital
letter. This algorithms leads to the natural Lisp spelling
of DOM function names.
Implementation note: DOM's NodeList does not
necessarily map to a native "sequence" type. (For example,
node lists are objects in Java, not arrays.)
NodeList is specified to reflect changes done after a
node list was created, so node lists cannot be Lisp lists.
(A node list could be implemented as a CLOS object pointing to
said list though.) Instead, CXML currently implements node
lists as adjustable vectors. Note that code which relies on
this implementation and uses Lisp sequence functions
instead of sticking to dom:item and dom:length
is not portable. As a compromise, you can use our
extensions dom:map-node-list or
dom:do-node-list, which can be implemented portably.